
There are some people that you have put in my life God, some are to stay permanently, some for a season, some are destiny helpers, some are there for my learning; horn my discerning spirit to see who and know what each one of them stand for.

There are people that you are still to put in my life God, help me to see them for who they are and the role you want them to play in my life, let me have an accepting heart that some are meant to be in my life just for a season and that I should not keep holding on to them when it is their time to leave and be a blessing or a lesson to others. I have a ask; am I a blessing or a lesson to some people in my life?

There are people that you made their paths cross with mine, please God, do not let the devil dictate the purpose of our paths crossing, may we be what we are meant to be in each other’s life for that season, may we not take each other for granted.

There are some people in my life God, time and again they remind me of my past, not for me to see how much you have blessed me but to remind me of my shortcomings and blackmail me at the same time, God, if you will, please show them the exit door out of my life, lock the door behind their back and throw away the key where it will never be found.

There are some people in my life God, who believe that I will never make it without them, I have a ask; are they You? Are you not the one with a final say? Are you not the one who remembered them when they were at their lowest? Who are they to think they can deny me what you have in store for me?

There are some people in my life God, they believe that reminding me of my nationality will deter me from realizing my dreams, they are there to make me think that my race is cursed, whenever they get the chance, they remind me of my lack of qualifications, in their books I am not qualified enough and that I have an uncultured background. I have a ask; are You not the one who qualifies the unqualified?

There are some people in my life God that I am still to see their purpose or maybe they too want know why am I in their life. I have a ask, what is my purpose in their life?

O God, I will rather keep it between me and You; it’s hard to reach out again, once bitten twice shy, I will keep on trusting you God, thank you for the genuine people you have put in my life, help me to stay genuine too. Prepare my heart to accept the ones that are still to come into my life, may I accept them regardless of their status.

God, I have this conviction; in due time you will make it happen, I am content with your pace and forever grateful that you are in control.

Published by Paida The Scribbler

My name is Paidamoyo- The love of my heart. I am a self-taught writer, I published my first novel; Cheap Dirty Dog Blanket in 2019. One of my poems was selected into the #Writing My City anthology by the City of Cape Town and Open Book Festival. I love writing; my writings carry an authentic voice for women, teenagers and marginalized people. Currently I am working on my second and third book at the same time.

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